Работа в интернете для мам в декрете: Работа/подработка для мам в декрете на дому – ТОП-30 вакансий

ТОП-35 идей заработка и вакансий

Работа для мам в декрете

Здравствуйте! Сегодня поговорим про работу для мам в декрете. Я мама двухлетнего малыша, но уже через полгода после его появления начала задумываться о подработке. Я перепробовала много вариантов и знаю, какая работа реальная, а какая нет. В этой статье я расскажу о том, как заработать в декрете таким же мамочкам, как я.

Сегодня вы узнаете:

  1. Сколько можно заработать в декрете.
  2. Какие способы заработка по силам женщинам, которые ухаживают за малышом.
  3. Все «за» и «против» работы в декрете.


Зачем женщинам работать в декретном отпуске?

Этот вопрос мучает многих мужчин и женщин. В зависимости от жизненной ситуации ответов может быть несколько.

Их мы сейчас и рассмотрим:

  1. Женщины стараются найти подработку или вакансии на время декретного отпуска из-за банального отсутствия денег. В этот период мама не ходит на основную работу, поэтому не получает стабильного заработка. А денег, которые приносит папа, не всегда хватает. Вместе с этим ребенок подрастает и на него приходится тратить все больше денежных средств. Вот тогда мамы и начинают искать подработку.
  2. Некоторые женщины, не имея финансовых трудностей, не хотят зацикливаться только на ребенке. Они отлично справляются с обязанностями мамы, но им жизненно необходимо развиваться, познавать что-то новое, общаться с людьми. Именно поэтому они углубляются в изучение чего-то нового, открывают в себе таланты и зарабатывают на маленькие «женские радости».
  3. А кто-то недоволен своей основной работой и в период декретного отпуска активно ищет новую работу, которая впоследствии станет основной.

Лично мне хотелось развиваться, чем-то заниматься, иметь возможность зарабатывать. Мой муж до сих пор не понимает, зачем мне это нужно, но поддерживает все мои начинания.

У каждой мамы своя история. Кто-то хочет добиться независимости, кому-то стыдно просить деньги на косметику и т. д. Если вы читаете эту статью, то наверняка решили подзаработать сидя в декрете.

Помните главное! Работать в декрете не стыдно и не зазорно. Покажите окружающим, что вы на многое способны и в вас скрыт мощный потенциал!

Заработок в декрете — чем заняться?

А этим вопросом задаются абсолютно все мамы, решившие подработать в период декрета. Существует очень много вариантов работы на дому.

Перед тем как перейти к описанию способов заработка, я предлагаю вам ответить на следующие вопросы:

  • Что вы умеете делать? Работа для мам в декрете может быть связана с хобби, талантами или умениями. Быть может, вы первоклассный специалист в какой-то сфере, и сможете работать по профессии на дому. Адекватно оцените свои способности и решите, чем бы вам хотелось заниматься.
  • Сколько у вас есть свободного времени? Каждый ребенок индивидуален и требует особого подхода. Иногда первые 6 месяцев для мамы самые спокойные (ребенок спит и ест). У других родителей ситуация может кардинально отличаться. Я почувствовала минимальную свободу, когда ребенку было 6-8 месяцев.

Перед тем как начать поиски работы определите для себя, сколько времени вы можете уделять работе. Это период когда ребенок спит или им заняты другие члены семьи.

  • Готовы ли вы обучаться? Если вы считаете, что ваши профессиональные навыки помогут неплохо заработать, тогда занимайтесь именно этим (например, если вы отличный юрист, то можете давать консультации онлайн, по телефону, на дому). В случае если вы не обладаете умениями, которые помогут вам заработать, тогда настройтесь на обучение.
  • Сколько хотите зарабатывать? В зависимости от наличия свободного времени и желания покорять вершины можно найти работу, которая будет приносить отличный доход. Помните, что простая работа никогда не приносит больших денег.

Бизнес-идеи для мам в декрете

Все способы заработка можно разделить на несколько групп:

  1. Работа по специальности на дому;
  2. Работа, связанная с хобби и увлечениями;
  3. Работа в интернете.

Любая работа может принести или не принести доход. Все зависит от того насколько правильно вы подберете себе занятие.

Теперь, каждую из указанных категорий рассмотрим подробнее.

Работа по специальности на дому

Как заработать в декрете

В эту группу я отнесла все виды работ (а точнее, услуги), которые может осуществлять мама у себя дома.

Визажист, парикмахер, мастер маникюра

У себя дома вы можете организовать мини-версию салона красоты. Только для начала вам придется пройти соответствующие курсы. Отлично, если вы подобной работой занимались до декрета. В таком случае у вас уже есть необходимые профессиональные навыки, и набор инструментов. Остается найти клиентов. Это можно сделать, дав объявление в интернете, предлагая свои услуги знакомым друзьям и родственникам.

Не стоит рассчитывать, что сразу будет очень много желающих воспользоваться вашими услугами. Но со временем, молва о вас распространится, клиентура расширится и доходы увеличатся.

Основной проблемой такой подработки является ее сезонность, наличие большого набора материалов и профессиональных навыков.


Если маникюр, педикюр и make-up женщины умеют делать самостоятельно, то массаж должен делать профессионал. Если у вас есть медицинское образование и в учебном заведении вам преподавали основы массажа, то можно дома открыть массажный кабинет. Также можно записаться на экспресс-курсы и освоить это мастерство.

Для того чтобы делать массаж вам потребуется только массажное масло и тальк. Сеансы можно проводить у себя дома, или выезжать на дом к клиенту (если есть с кем оставить ребенка).

Ваш доход будет зависеть от количества клиентов и проведенных процедур. Курсом считается 10 массажей. Вот и считайте, сколько вы можете заработать только на одном клиенте.

Я окончила курсы массажа еще до беременности. Делая процедуры знакомым, деньги за обучение «отбила» уже через 2 недели. Сейчас ко мне иногда приходят знакомые и просят сделать массаж за соответствующую плату. Я соглашаюсь, включаю ребенку мультики, а сама зарабатываю деньги.


Некоторые мамы сталкиваются с такой проблемой, что им иногда необходимо отлучиться и на кого-то оставить ребенка. Речь идет о нескольких часах. Профессиональные няни не хотят браться за такую работу, т. к. ищут клиентов на весь день.

Если в вашем окружении есть такие мамы, которые желают нанять няню, предложите свои услуги. Они наверняка согласятся, ведь вы тоже мама и знаете, как обращаться с детьми. Да и нескольким карапузам будет интереснее гулять вместе, чем поодиночке.

Мини-сад или уроки раннего развития

Если вы очень любите детей (не только своего, но и чужих), чувствуете в себе потенциал педагога и располагаете большой жилплощадью, тогда можно попробовать открыть мини-сад.

Туда можно пригласить небольшое количество детей одной возрастной группы. Время их пребывания вы устанавливаете самостоятельно. Например, у вас нет 4 детских кроваток, и вы не планируете их приобретать, тогда можно поставить условие, что родители должны забирать малышей до 13.00.

Это более масштабная идея няни, но и доход она может принести в несколько раз больше.

Помимо этого, можно попробовать проводить развивающие уроки для деток. Это будет занимать максимум 1 час, а детей в группе может быть до 7 человек. Вам необходимо будет выучить как можно больше стишков и просмотреть примеры развивающих игр. Много инвентаря не потребуется. В большинстве Центров раннего развития детей 70% обучающего материала являются самодельными. В таком бизнесе главное желание трудиться и любить детей.


В последнее время очень популярным становится аутсорсинг.

Аутсорсингэто когда предприятие перекладывает часть своих прямых обязанностей на другую фирму или физическое лицо.

Чтобы было понятнее, разберем пример. Мама до декрета была хорошим бухгалтером. У нее много друзей предпринимателей, которые из-за отсутствия соответствующих знаний не могут вести бухгалтерию и составлять отчеты. Тогда они за помощью обращаются к этой маме, которая сидя дома будет вести бухгалтерские дела компании знакомого.

Такая подработка не требует каких-либо вложений. Достаточно быть хорошим специалистом в определенной области.

Модельер, швея

Вы умеете и любите шить? Если ваш ответ положительный, тогда на своем умении можно заработать. Предлагайте свои услуги соседям, друзьям, знакомым. Не бойтесь, что клиентов не будет. Каждый человек периодически покупает джинсы, штаны, которые нужно подшивать, да и все вещи рано или поздно требуют ремонта. А быть может, соседка любит эксклюзивные вещи и попросит вас сшить юбку или кофту.


Если вы знаете иностранные языки, или играете на музыкальных инструментах, тогда можете заняться репетиторством. Отлично, если вы когда-нибудь уже обучали детей или взрослых людей. Но даже если у вас нет педагогического образования, но вы умеете доходчиво и понятно доносить информацию, можете попробовать себя в этой сфере.

Уроки можно проводить у себя дома. Если такой возможности нет, тогда остается ходить по клиентам или проводить онлайн-уроки. Ухаживая за маленьким ребенком, вам непросто будет выбраться из дома, а проводить обучения, используя веб-камеру, будет куда проще.

Написание курсовых, контрольных и дипломных работ

Современные студенты очень часто прибегают к помощи людей, которые за них пишут рефераты, курсовые, контрольные и даже дипломные работы. Если вы обладаете необходимыми знаниями и умениями, тогда можно предложить свои услуги студентам.

Я тоже писала курсовые и контрольные работы, но это было еще до появления моего малыша. Тем не менее этим вполне реально заниматься и в декретном отпуске.


Если вы любите проводить время на кухне и вам не надоедает кухонная плита, тогда можно попробовать готовить для других людей. Мы не призываем вас жарить пирожки и ходить их продавать.

Год назад я начала изготавливать кондитерские изделия на заказ. Скажу честно, что до того времени я никогда не пекла торты, но решила попробовать. Для себя я поняла, что главное научиться выпекать бисквит и делать несколько видов кремов. Покрывала и украшала торты мастикой (она очень легко делается). Клиентов находила через соц. сети.

Цену я выставила небольшую, поэтому заказы были. Пришлось купить немного кондитерского инвентаря. Мне только не хватало профессиональных навыков. Оканчивать кулинарные курсы, у меня не было времени и особого желания.

Сейчас я пеку только для знакомых, т. к. нашла более подходящий вид заработка. Но многие мои подруги пошли дальше, обучились на кондитеров и прилично зарабатывают на любимом деле.

Если вы боитесь печь торты, попробуйте начать с капкейков (кексиков), имбирных пряников или каких-нибудь п

Срочно работа: Для мам в декрете в Москве — Июль 2020 — 16020+ вакансий Срочно работа: Для мам в декрете в Москве — Июль 2020 — 16020+ вакансий | Jooble

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Вакансии Jooble




Тип занятости


Расстояние от города

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Удалённая работа

Полезная ли была для вас вакансия?

Да, я отправил резюме Да, я позвонил Не подошла Пожаловаться

Что произошло?

Вакансия не открылась Это мошенники! Не понял что произошло Другое

Спасибо за отзыв, Вы нам очень помогли!

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Удалённая работа

Полезная ли была для вас вакансия?

Да, я отправил резюме Да, я позвонил Не подошла Пожаловаться

Что произошло?

Вакансия не открылась Это мошенники! Не понял что произошло Другое

Спасибо за отзыв, Вы нам очень помогли!

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Удалённая работа

Полезная ли была для вас вакансия?

Да, я отправил резюме Да, я позвонил Не подошла Пожаловаться

Что произошло?

Вакансия не открылась Это мошенники! Не понял что произошло Другое

Спасибо за отзыв, Вы нам очень помогли!

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17 дней назад

Удалённая работа

Полезная ли была для вас вакансия?

Да, я отправил резюме Да, я позвонил Не подошла Пожаловаться

Что произошло?

Вакансия не открылась Это мошенники! Не понял что произошло Другое

Спасибо за отзыв, Вы нам очень помогли!

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Удалённая работа

Полезная ли была для вас вакансия?

Да, я отправил резюме Да, я позвонил Не подошла Пожаловаться

Что произошло?

Вакансия не открылась Это мошенники! Не понял что произошло Другое

Спасибо за отзыв, Вы нам очень помогли!

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Удалённая работа

Полезная ли была для вас вакансия?

Да, я отправил резюме Да, я позвонил Не подошла Пожаловаться

Что произошло?

Вакансия не открылась Это мошенники! Не понял что произошло Другое

Спасибо за отзыв, Вы нам очень помогли!

Remote Big Data Architect (HOT)

EPAM Systems

A remote Big Data Architect is needed. This position is a part of our new EPAM Anywhere program for remote workers . EPAM Anywhere offers a variety of IT jobs for remote workers. Join us to work on ambitious and long-term projects, get a stable workload, and enjoy a work…

17 дней назад

Удалённая работа

Полезная ли была для вас вакансия?

Да, я отправил резюме Да, я позвонил Не подошла Пожаловаться

Что произошло?

Вакансия не открылась Это мошенники! Не понял что произошло Другое

Спасибо за отзыв, Вы нам очень помогли!

Сотрудник для обработки эл.заявок (подработка)

 …часов в любое время суток. Возможна как полная, так и частичная занятость. График свободный! Можно рассмотреть в качестве подработки, домохозяйкам и мамам в декрете или совмещать с бизнесом, работой! За подробностями обращайтесь на: • WhatsApp (письменно, см. контакты)

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Вакансии Jooble


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Срочно работа: Для мам в декрете в Балашихе — Июль 2020 — 6143+ вакансий Срочно работа: Для мам в декрете в Балашихе — Июль 2020 — 6143+ вакансий | Jooble

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Вакансии Jooble




Тип занятости


Расстояние от города

Remote Build Engineer

EPAM Systems

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Remote Senior Build Engineer (HOT)

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A global healthcare company is looking for a Senior Build Engineer that will provide consulting services to support creating and executing API strategy. Please note that even though you are applying for this position, you still can be offered other projects to join within…

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Remote Senior Data Scientist (HOT)

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A remote Senior Data Scientist is needed. This job is about turning (big) data into actionable knowledge, which requires a blend of scientific, problem solving, analytical, technical, and communication skills. This position is a part of our new EPAM Anywhere program …

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Remote Big Data Architect (HOT)

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Remote Build Engineer

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A multinational telecommunications company with headquarters in London, Amsterdam, and Denver is the largest broadband internet service provider outside the US. We’re looking for a Networking Engineer who will help us to develop an automation for the deployment of video…

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Remote Veeva Vault Consultant

EPAM Systems

We’re looking for an experienced consultant in Veeva Vault with expertise in Java to work on a global Document Management System for a leading agriculture company helping to improve global food security. This position is a part of the new innovative program EPAM Anywhere…

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Remote Senior Build Engineer (HOT)

EPAM Systems

A global healthcare company is looking for a Senior Build Engineer that will provide consulting services to support creating and executing API strategy. Please note that even though you are applying for this position, you still can be offered other projects to join within…

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Remote Senior Data Scientist (HOT)

EPAM Systems

A remote Senior Data Scientist is needed. This job is about turning (big) data into actionable knowledge, which requires a blend of scientific, problem solving, analytical, technical, and communication skills. This position is a part of our new EPAM Anywhere program …

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Remote Big Data Architect (HOT)

EPAM Systems

A remote Big Data Architect is needed. This position is a part of our new EPAM Anywhere program for remote workers . EPAM Anywhere offers a variety of IT jobs for remote workers. Join us to work on ambitious and long-term projects, get a stable workload, and enjoy a work…

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Remote Development Team Lead (Cognos BI)

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Remote Development Team Lead with C++ Expertise

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90000 Returning to Work After Maternity Leave: 10 Ways to Make It as Painless as Possible 90001 90002 Most moms have a lot of emotions about returning to work after having a baby-some of them conflicting. You may feel sad to leave your baby. You may feel relief to let professionals be in charge of baby care while you return to a job you have some idea how to do. (And then you may feel guilt over that relief!) You might be anxious about leaving your child in the care of someone else. Maybe you’re angry that your workplace does not offer more (or any) maternity leave.90003 90002 Whatever you are feeling makes total sense. This is a big transition and the research shows that-for many women-the return to work happens sooner than they are ready and is harder than they expect. But there are concrete things you can do to help you adjust to your new normal. 90003 90002 Just getting to work is going to involve a whole new routine that may require packing baby bags or leaving sets of directions, working in a last feed, possibly schlepping a breast pump or even a baby if your child will be attending daycare near your work .Lori Mihalich-Levin, author of 90007 Back to Work After Baby: How to Plan and Navigate a Mindful Return from Maternity Leave 90008, recommends brainstorming how the mornings and the evenings will work and coming up with a starter plan. Yes, you will learn things right away and over time that will alter it, but it can make you feel more at ease to have a preliminary routine in place. 90003 90010 Bring your baby to work before you start back. 90011 90002 Lauren Smith Brody, author of 90007 The Fifth Trimester: The Working Mom’s Guide to Style, Sanity, and Big Success After Baby 90008 -who returned to her job as an editor at 90007 Glamour 90008 magazine after her first son was born-recommends bringing your baby to work before you return.Doing so enables you to blend your worlds a little and makes your new reality visible to your coworkers. Plus, babies are made to attract people, so it’s likely he will soon have a fan club around him and you’ll build in some goodwill by introducing your son to even your most taciturn colleagues. And, you’ll get to show your child where you will be spending your time and explain why. Of course, he will not understand, but you will, and that’s what matters. 90003 90010 Do a childcare trial run (but then get a haircut).90011 90002 Whatever morning routine you come up with, try it out before you have to be at work. This enables you to ease into your childcare arrangement, practice the routine to see what works and tweak it, and, then-bonus! -You can go have a few hours by yourself to get a haircut or whatever else will help you feel good about entering the world of no pajamas and daily showers. 90003 90002 That first week back is going to be exhausting. Start back on a Thursday if you can swing it. You will be that much closer to a weekend where you can rest and think about what worked in those first two days and what to tweak before your first full week.90003 90010 Return gradually if possible. 90011 90002 If you can, use a little bit of your leave to have a few days off in the first weeks back, consider a part-time schedule that enables you to get used to being away from your baby and to your new routine. For instance, Brody suggests thinking about cutting your leave short by a week and then taking those five days and using them to be at home for the first five Fridays of your return. 90003 90010 Consider working from home if it might be an option.90011 90002 After my first daughter was born, my work was willing to let me work from home one day a week, which not only made the transition easier but helped me keep my milk supply up, since I had three days of breastfeeding and four days of pumping. 90003 90002 «If you ask to work from home, come up with a plan of how it will work,» advises Brody. «Show how you will meet your deliverables, make it clear that you will have childcare in place when you are at home, and include a date to reassess the arrangement.It will help your boss feel more comfortable if he or she does not think it is forever. » Of course, if it’s going well. . . 90003 90010 Find support among working moms. 90011 90002 «When I was on leave, I had great support through my local yoga studio, prenatal classes, and moms ‘groups,» says Mihalich-Levin, «but they were not necessarily working moms.» When Mihalich-Levin went back to work, she found there were a lot of working moms in the office, none of whom were talking about it. So, she created what she calls her «working moms ‘posse,» inviting them to lunch once a month and creating an online discussion forum for them to share their experiences, concerns, and advice.»It really changed the connectedness of the parents where I work,» says Mihalich-Levin. 90003 90002 Check to see if your office already has something like this, and, if not, consider starting a group. Or, if that seems like too much right now, just invite one or more working moms out to lunch or take a coffee break with them in your first week back and ask them how they made the transition. You can build from there. 90003 90010 Work through «I have to quit.» 90011 90002 Every woman Brody interviewed for her book- «no matter her career or level of ambition-said that she had a moment of feeling like she ‘had to quit,'» says Brody.»Some women felt that way for months. Others might have just had one really bad morning when it all came to a head. » 90003 90002 For many moms, quitting is not an option. And for those who can make a change, those early months of working-mom adjustment are not the best time to make that decision, says Brody. Most of the women felt the compulsion to quit when they were still in a developmental transition-what Brody calls the fifth trimester-and had not yet made it to the other side to make a more settled and informed choice.90003 90002 Looking at research on endurance, Brody found a few ways to work through those initial moments when you feel like leaving your job is the only solution (even if it’s not an option): 90003 90002 • Realize the transition you are going through is finite. 90049 • Make a list of what you get out of your job (including the paycheck!). 90049 • Make a list of what you bring to your workplace. 90049 • Acknowledge your new learning curve. While you may be returning to a job you know how to do, you are now learning how to be a working mom.90049 • Celebrate small successes. For Brody, this can mean writing something on your to-do list that you’ve already done, just so you can cross it off to feel a sense of accomplishment. 90049 • Be patient. «Try not to make any major decisions for three months,» says Brody. 90003 90010 See your return as a career opportunity. 90011 90002 Though it may not happen in the early weeks or even months of your return, once you are settled into life as a working mom, «you will become infinitely more efficient,» says Mihalich-Levin.She recommends looking at your return to work «through a leadership lens, because you walk away from becoming a parent with so many newly developed skills that you can be using in the workplace.» 90003 90010 Write down all your passwords before you leave, and give yourself time for housekeeping tasks when you return. 90011 90002 Sure, it 90007 seems 90008 like you should not forget all your passwords and programs in just a matter of months, but do not underestimate the power of exhaustion. If you can, write down all your passwords before you go on leave, as well as simple directions for how to log back in and use the computer programs that are crucial for your work.And build time into your first day back for updating software. If you’ll be expected to hit the ground running on day one, it might be worth sneaking back into the office when no one’s around just to make sure your computer is up to date and ready to roll. 90003 90002 In our culture of inadequate support for working parents, it is easy to feel apologetic about taking leave or having to cut out in time for daycare pickup or missing a meeting to pump. But remember what you are bringing back to the job: a whole set of new skills, a developing ability to multitask like a master, and the incentive to work as efficiently as possible.You are valuable to your workplace and will only grow more so as you settle into this new phase of your life. Do not apologize for raising a person and doing a paid job. Brag about it. You are freaking awesome. 90003 90067 90002 90007 Partially adapted from 90008 STRONG AS A MOTHER: How to Stay Healthy, Happy and (Most Importantly) Sane from Pregnancy to Parenthood 90007 by Kate Rope, copyright © 2018 by the author and reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s Press. On sale May 1, 2018. 90008 90003 .90000 Maternity leave: The basics | BabyCenter 90001 90002 What is maternity leave? 90003 90004 Maternity leave, now often called parental or family leave, is the time a mother (or father) takes off from work for the birth or adoption of a child. Actual paid «maternity leave» — ​​while the norm in almost all countries — is unusual in the United States, although some enlightened companies do offer new parents paid time off, up to six weeks in some cases. 90005 90004 Most likely, you’ll use a combination of short-term disability (STD), sick leave, vacation, personal days, and unpaid family leave during your time away from work.90005 90004 The picture did improve in тисячу дев’ятсот дев’яносто три with the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which entitles most workers to up to 12 weeks of job-protected medical leave for birth or adoption. However, the FMLA does not cover those who work for smaller companies and guarantees only unpaid leaves. 90005 90004 Which benefits are available to you will depend very much on which state you live in. In 2002 California led the way in enacting paid family leave, and other states such as Washington and New Jersey followed suit.And not all states allow women to take short-term disability leave to cover pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery. 90005 90004 Your employer may have policies that dictate the order in which you can take different kinds of leave. In any case, you’ll want to start looking into your options as early as you can during your pregnancy and make sure you have all your paperwork sorted out before the baby arrives. 90005 90002 How does short-term disability work? 90003 90004 Short-term disability is meant to cover your salary — or a portion of it — during the time that you’re unable to do your job due to illness, injury, or childbirth.Many large employers and unions offer it, as do several states. (It’s generally provided automatically to all employees or residents, not as an optional benefit you have to sign up for.) 90005 90004 If your state provides STD, you may pay a small amount out of each paycheck to cover your share. If your employer or union provides it, the cost may be covered for you. If none of them provides STD, or if the coverage is insufficient, you can purchase your own policy or additional coverage through an insurance provider for a monthly premium.90005 90004 Private STD insurance through your employer or a provider will generally pay between 50 and 100 percent of your salary for a certain number of weeks, depending on how many years you’ve worked for the company. (The maximum amount you can receive is usually capped.) 90005 90004 Six weeks is the standard amount of time covered for pregnancy. Some plans allow more time if you’ve had complications or a cesarean delivery, and many also cover bedrest before birth. 90005 90004 State STD benefits typically cover half to two-thirds of your salary, and the coverage for pregnancy usually lasts four to six weeks but can last up to 12 weeks.In California, for example, you’re covered at 55 percent of your usual salary up to a maximum of $ 1,075 per week for up to four weeks before your due date and up to six weeks after delivery. You may be able to get extended coverage after the birth if you’ve had a c-section or medical complications, but your doctor must certify this. 90005 90004 If both your state and your company offer STD, you may be required to use the full state benefit and have your employer’s coverage make up the rest. You’ll still end up with the same amount of pay as if you were getting your employer’s full benefit, but you’ll get it in two checks, one from the state and one from your company’s provider.90005 90004 Many programs require that you be out of work for up to a week before you can start to collect disability benefits. Your employer or your state’s program may require you to use up your accrued sick days or vacation days before your disability benefits kick in. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as those days are paid at your full salary. 90005 90002 Will I have to pay income tax on disability income? 90003 90004 It depends on who’s paying the insurance premiums for your coverage.The portion of your salary that you receive from your employer’s coverage is taxable, but no income taxes will be taken out of your checks, so you’ll end up owing the money in April. (On the other hand, you’ll be able to take an extra deduction for having a new dependent, so that may offset the amount.) 90005 90004 Money you receive from a state disability program is generally not subject to federal or state income taxes . If you pay for the disability insurance yourself, the benefits you receive are also tax-free.90005 90002 What do I do when my short-term disability coverage runs out? 90003 90004 Some new moms decide to return to work once their coverage runs out, which is typically after about six weeks. (Of course, some have to return even sooner if they’re relying on a state benefit that only pays half of their normal salary and they can not afford to make up the difference.) 90005 90004 If you’ve accrued vacation, personal , or sick days, you may want to use them to extend your leave. Some companies will even allow you to take vacation or sick days that you have not yet accrued.In some cases, however, you may be asked to reimburse the company for those days if you decide not to return to work after your leave. 90005 90004 You may also be eligible for unpaid leave when your disability runs out. If you choose not to return to work when your STD coverage ends, some states allow you to take a certain amount of time off as unpaid pregnancy leave. (California has a particularly generous provision, allowing up to 12 weeks for new parents — not just women.) 90005 90004 You will not get paid during this time, but your employer will be required to hold your job for you until you’re able to return (or until the leave runs out).Your employer may require that you use up your sick days before taking unpaid leave. 90005 90002 How can I find out whether I’m entitled to unpaid leave? 90003 90004 Start by asking your company’s human resources department. Under the FMLA, many employers are required by federal law to allow their employees (both men and women) 12 weeks of unpaid leave after the birth or adoption of a child. At the end of your leave, your employer must allow you to return to your job or a similar job with the same salary, benefits, working conditions, and seniority.90005 90004 About 60 percent of U.S. workers are eligible for FMLA. You’re eligible if you meet both of the following conditions: 90005 90052 90053 You work for the federal government, a state or local government, or any company that has 50 or more employees working within 75 miles of your workplace. 90054 90053 You’ve worked for your employer for at least 12 months and for at least 1,250 hours during the previous year (an average of 25 hours per week for 50 weeks). 90054 90057 90004 There are a few exceptions: Your employer is not required to keep your job open for you if you’re in the highest-paid 10 percent of wage earners at your company and your employer can show that your absence would cause substantial economic harm to the organization.90005 90004 Another exception is if you and your partner work for the same company. In this case, you’re only entitled to a combined 12 weeks of parental leave between the two of you. 90005 90004 Even if you’re not eligible under the FMLA, you may still be eligible for leave under your state’s provisions, which are usually more generous than the FMLA, or under your company’s family leave policy. 90005 90004 Your employer may require that all the paid leave you take (STD, vacation, sick leave) count toward the 12 weeks required by the FMLA.But some states allow you to take the full 12 weeks in addition to whatever paid leave you take. Individual employers may also allow this. 90005 90004 You can use your unpaid leave in any way you want during your pregnancy or during the year after your child is born. That means you can take it all at once — right after the birth or placement of your child, for example — or, as long as your employer agrees, you can spread it out over your child’s first year by taking it in chunks or by reducing your normal weekly or daily work schedule.90005 90004 If you’re considering unpaid leave, think about how much time you can reasonably afford to take. Also think about whether your partner can take any time off and when it would be best for him or her to do that. 90005 90004 You and your partner may decide to take leave at the same time, but if you want to stretch out the time that at least one of you is home with the baby, consider overlapping your leaves, taking them consecutively, or spreading your time off over the year. 90005 90002 What happens to my benefits while I’m out on leave? 90003 90004 According to the FMLA, your company must continue to keep you on its health insurance plan while you’re on leave, whether it’s disability or family leave.Most typically, a company will pay your premiums but ask to be reimbursed for your share (the amount that’s usually taken out of your paycheck). If your company is particularly generous, it may cover your share and not ask you to pay it back. 90005 90004 If you tell your company that you do not plan to return to work following your leave or if your job is eliminated while you’re gone, your employer may stop paying your premiums and put you on COBRA, a program in which you continue to be covered under the same plan but you must pay the entire premium yourself.90005 90004 Should you leave your job, your employer may require you to pay back the money spent to maintain your health insurance while you were on leave. That’s unless the reason you’re not returning to work is that you’ve developed a serious medical condition or some other circumstance beyond your control (say, your spouse is transferred to a job in another city and you have to move). 90005 90004 The FMLA does not require employers to allow you to accrue benefits or time toward seniority when you’re out on leave.That means the clock may stop on things like vacation accrual and the amount of time you can say you’ve been with the company in order to qualify for things like raises based on seniority, additional vacation days, participation in your company’s 401k plan or vesting of your company’s matching investment, or vesting of stock options. 90005 90004 Finally, you will not be able to contribute to your 401 (k) or flexible spending account while you’re on leave because you’re not receiving a paycheck from your employer and thus can not contribute pre-tax dollars.90005 90002 What if I’m adopting a child or taking in a foster child? 90003 90004 You’re not qualified for disability leave in this case, but you are allowed 12 weeks of unpaid leave under the FMLA — or possibly more under your state’s provisions or your company’s policy. 90005 90004 Generally this leave begins once the child arrives at your home or when you leave to go get the child if you’re adopting from another country. You may also be eligible to take time off during the adoption process to meet with lawyers or attend home visits.You can take paid vacation time as well, and some states and employers even allow you to use your sick leave. 90005 90002 How and when should I request leave? 90003 90004 Federal guidelines require you to request leave at least 30 days before you plan to take it, but it may be best to give your boss more advance notice — you probably do not want to wait until you’re obviously showing to tell your employer about your pregnancy. But you may want to wait until after your first trimester, when your risk of miscarriage goes down significantly.90005 90004 After that, think about breaking the news as soon as you’ve thought through your leave request and your post-pregnancy work schedule. You’ll be in a stronger position to negotiate a leave if you approach your boss with a specific plan and allow her plenty of time to help you implement it. (If you have trusted co-workers who have been through this before, ask them how they handled their leave and what kind of reaction they got.) 90005 90002 How do I decide when to start my leave? 90003 90004 There’s no «right time» to stop working.A lot will depend on your energy level, how easy or complicated your pregnancy becomes after the initial exhausting months, and the stress and physical labor involved in your job. Your financial situation will also be a factor, as the sooner you start your leave, the sooner it will run out after your baby’s born. 90005 90004 Some women start their leave when they’re seven or eight months pregnant, while others work right up until delivery. You’ll need to monitor your pregnancy to determine the right time to start maternity leave.If your doctor puts you on bedrest or complications develop that require you to be out of work before you give birth, you’ll most likely be put on short-term disability if your state or company offers it. 90005 90004 Under the FMLA, you can start taking unpaid leave anytime during your pregnancy — or anytime thereafter — as long as you conclude your leave within 12 months after your child’s arrival. Check with your human resources department to find out if any limitations apply under your company’s leave policies.90005 90002 What if my employer denies my request for unpaid leave? 90003 90004 If you’re sure you qualify under the FMLA or your state’s provisions, make sure you’ve given the required notice and you have a plan to get your responsibilities covered while you’re gone. Then, gently let your employer know more about these laws. Contact the U.S. Department of Labor for an FMLA fact sheet and advice on how to get your employer to comply. 90005 90004 But start by being reasonable. You do not want to alienate your boss by making demands unless you have to.90005 90004 If reason does not work and you believe you’re entitled to leave, contact your regional office of the Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division to file a complaint. A phone call from the Labor Department to your employer can resolve most problems. 90005 90004 If the problem is not resolved, the Labor Department will investigate your complaint and may sue your employer on your behalf. If you do not get immediate results, consider hiring a lawyer who is familiar with employees ‘rights to help you.90005 90004 You may also want to get in touch with Equal Rights Advocates, a national nonprofit organization that advocates for women’s rights in the workplace. Call ERA’s confidential, toll-free hotline at (800) 839-4372 for advice on issues related to maternity leave and pregnancy discrimination. 90005 90002 Where can I get more information? 90003 90004 To find out what kind of disability or unemployment insurance and other family leave provisions are currently available or coming soon to your state, check with your state’s Department of Labor.You can also search the Internet for your state’s disability insurance policies. 90005 90004 For a directory of companies that offer private short-term disability coverage for individuals, contact America’s Health Insurance Plans. 90005 90004 For more information on the FMLA and family leave policies, contact: 90005 90004 90125 U.S. Department of Labor 90126 90127 Wage and Hour Division 90127 200 Constitution Avenue NW 90127 Washington, D.C. 20210 90127 Phone: (866) 487-9243 90005 90004 90125 National Partnership for Women & Families 90126 90127 1875 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 650 90127 Washington, D.C. 20009 90127 Phone: (202) 986-2600 90127 Fax: (202) 986-2539 90005 90004 Email: info@nationalpartnership.org 90005 90004 90125 Families and Work Institute 90126 90127 267 Fifth Avenue, 2nd Floor 90127 New York, NY 10016 90127 Telephone: (212) 465-2044 90127 Fax: (212) 465-8637 90005 90004 Email: FWINews@familiesandwork.org 90005 .90000 Maternity Leave 101 | Working Mother 90001 90002 Congratulations! You’re about to welcome a new child into your family! While this is an incredibly exciting time, you’re undoubtedly thinking about the quintessential working mother question: Will I get maternity leave? 90003 90002 You’re not alone-the maternity leave maze can be hard to navigate in the United States. Though efforts are underway to expand paid maternity leave to more moms-notably by Ivanka Trump, Sen. Kristen Gillibrand and Sen.Debbie Fischer-most expectant women will be entitled to unpaid leave (if any) in 2018. 90003 90002 Many women have the same maternity leave questions as you, though, so we’ve created this handy explainer. Here are our answers to some of the most common ones: 90003 90008 Are there any laws that guarantee me the right to take maternity leave? Does my employer have to offer it? 90009 90002 The most overarching law is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), a federal law that guarantees parents the right to take unpaid time off after a birth, adoption or foster placement.Unfortunately, not all employees are legally entitled to FMLA maternity leave. If you work for a private employer with fewer than 50 employees, you probably are not covered. On the other hand, if you work for the government or a big company, you are, as long as you’ve worked at least 1,250 hours over the last 12 months for the employer. If you’re covered by FMLA and you comply with its requirements-for example, you have to document your pregnancy / birth / adoption and give proper notice-your employer has to give you up to 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave.90003 90002 Some states have laws that guarantee you the right, not only to maternity leave, but to 90013 paid 90014 leave. They are still few and far between, but right now California, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island legally require it. Washington state and the District of Columbia will follow in 2020 року, Connecticut and Massachusetts in 2021, and Oregon in 2023. 90003 90002 Learn more about: 90003 90002 California’s state parental leave law 90003 90002 Connecticut’s state parental leave law 90003 90002 Massachusetts ‘state parental leave law 90003 90002 New Jersey’s state parental leave law 90003 90002 New York’s state parental leave law 90003 90002 Oregon’s state parental leave law 90003 90002 Rhode Island’s state parental leave law 90003 90002 Washington, D.C.’s, city parental leave law 90003 90002 Washington’s state parental leave law 90003 90002 If you’re not covered by FMLA or state law, unfortunately it’s up to your employer whether to grant you maternity leave or not. It’s a good idea to investigate this early, to talk to your boss about a plan for taking time off and then returning to work, and, in the worst-case scenario that no maternity leave is offered, to ask whether you can save up vacation , sick and other personal time to use after your baby’s birth.90003 90002 The earlier the better! Sure, it can be hard to get up the gumption to talk to your boss. Still, according to Arianna Taboada, an expert on maternity-leave issues, early in the second trimester is a good time to initiate communication about your leave. «If you’re discussing needs and expectations up front, you’re setting yourself up for transition and coverage. When you return to work, it also allows for clear expectations on both sides, «says Taboada. 90003 90002 If you are planning to take leave under FMLA, you must give your employer at least 30 days notice for any leave that is foreseeable.Therefore, you should talk to your boss at least 30 days in advance of your planned leave so you can fill out any necessary paperwork and start to plan for the leave. If you need to take leave earlier than expected for unforeseeable reasons, you must give your employer notice in a reasonable manner. For instance, if you go into labor two months early, you should notify your employer as soon as the baby is born and everyone is stable. 90003 90008 Are there other things I should do to prepare for maternity leave? 90009 90002 It’s all about research and planning! Natalie Pedersen, a professor and employment law expert at Drexel University, recommends, «Look in your employee handbook to find out the company’s policy on maternity leave.Once you know what you are entitled to, you should be sure to fill out any required paperwork your employer might have in order to take advantage of maternity leave. » 90003 90002 «You should also offer to work with your boss on a transition plan for your leave to try to minimize the interference it will have on the business,» says Joan C. Williams, director of the Center for Worklife Law at the University of California . 90003 90008 Will my maternity leave be paid? 90009 90002 That depends.Some employers offer paid leave to new mothers and (sometimes) fathers. Again, Pedersen advises, «You should look in your employee handbook to see whether your employer offers paid leave. Often, if employers offer paid leave, they require you to take your accrued paid leave (such as sick or vacation time) before taking advantage of their paid maternity leave. » In other words, planning ahead can help you maximize your pay; you may want to save your paid time off to extend your maternity leave. 90003 90002 If you’re lucky enough to live in a state that guarantees some paid leave, you’ll get at least some of your salary for at least some of your leave.California, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Jersey currently have laws that require employers or their insurance carriers to pay you during leave, but each state’s requirements are slightly different. In January 2018, New York will join the paid leave crowd, and Washington and the District of Columbia will follow in 2020. 90003 90008 Do I have to pay taxes on my maternity leave? 90009 90002 Almost definitely, yes. If your employer pays you during your leave, that’s taxable income, just as it would be if you were at work every day.Some employers pay disability benefits, and that’s taxable, too. If you are paying for your own disability benefits, then you’re off the hook. 90003 90008 You said something about disability leave? How does that work? 90009 90002 Some employers pay for your maternity leave through a short-term disability policy, which may be included in your benefits package (check with HR!). The employer may pick up the bill for the policy, or it may be your responsibility to pay for it, even if you get it through work.Typically, you need to have this policy in place before you become pregnant. 90003 90002 If you have a short-term disability policy, it will kick in to pay you (at least part of your salary, depending on the policy) if you have pregnancy complications and have to take off work. In other words, you need a medical reason to collect under the policy. For some policies, the time you take to recover after a birth also counts as a «disability,» so you can get paid for (usually) several more weeks. 90003 90002 The key to using short-term disability income to pay for your maternity leave is to plan ahead-find out if you have one, if you need to buy supplemental insurance to get paid 100 percent of your salary while you’re out on leave and if your policy covers leave at all.90003 90008 How about benefits? Do I need to worry about my health insurance while I’m out on maternity leave? 90009 90002 Under FMLA, a covered employer must continue to pay for your health insurance while you’re out on leave. If you typically pay a co-pay, you must still pay it. 90003 90002 Unlike some state laws, however, FMLA does not require covered employers to count days you’re on leave toward seniority benefits or Paid Time Off (PTO). 90003 90008 What if I’m adopting or using a surrogate? Am I still entitled to maternity leave? 90009 90002 Again, you should check your employee handbook as to paid leave.Under the FMLA, new parents who welcome a child through birth or adoption are entitled to 12 weeks unpaid leave for bonding with the child. 90003 90008 What if my new child is not an infant? Can I still get maternity leave? 90009 90002 Yes, at least under the FMLA and some states ‘laws, employees who welcome a child through adoption (even if not an infant) can take up to 12 weeks unpaid leave. 90003 90008 Can my partner take parental leave, too? 90009 90002 The terms of his / her leave will depend on his / her employer’s policies; some employers offer paid leave to parents of either gender, regardless of whether they gave birth.If your partner’s employer does not pay for parental leave, some states will pay him under their paid parental leave plans. At the very least, under FMLA, he can take up to 12 weeks unpaid leave. 90003 90008 When should I start my maternity leave? 90009 90002 This is a tough question, especially when you do not know ahead of time how you might be feeling at the very end of your pregnancy. Pedersen advises, «It is really up to you and the plan you work out with your boss. Some parents like to save all their leave for after the child is born.Others may want to take some leave beforehand, particularly toward the end of a pregnancy. Either way, if you are taking leave under the FMLA, be sure to give your employer at least 30 days notice if your leave is foreseeable. » 90003 90008 If I want more time off, how can I extend my maternity leave? 90009 90002 This will depend on your employer. Some employers offer short-term disability leave and may allow extension of maternity leave under those policies if the extension is stemming from a pregnancy or childbirth-related complication.Otherwise, you should check with your human resources department and see if there is any flexibility in extending your leave beyond that which the employer offers voluntarily or is required to offer under the FMLA or state laws. Some employers may be glad not to have to pay you during a slow period; others will be counting the days until your return. It never hurts to ask! 90003 90008 What if I take maternity leave and get fired when I’m away from work? 90009 90002 In some countries, an employer may not fire an employee who is on parental leave, regardless of the reason.Not so in the United States. Still, under FMLA, your employer can not legally retaliate against you for taking leave, and she can not discriminate against you for taking your legally entitled time off. 90003 90002 Additionally, under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of тисячі дев’ятсот шістьдесят чотири as amended by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, an employer can not discriminate against an employee for pregnancy, childbirth or other related medical conditions. That means you’re legally protected if the employer is not supportive of your new family.On the flip side, an employer can fire an employee for reasons unrelated to the leave or birth-think mass layoffs-even if she is on maternity leave when the situation arises. 90003 90002 If you are fired for pregnancy or maternity leave discrimination or retaliation, Williams recommends that you call the Center for WorkLife Law’s national hotline. You’ll be referred to an excellent attorney in your area who can help you assert your rights. Sure, your first choice is just to have a job, but if that’s not happening, your chances of prevailing in court are good.»The latest figures suggest that plaintiffs win about 2/3 of family responsibilities discrimination cases filed in federal court,» Williams explains 90003 90008 Right now I’m not sure whether I want to return to work or stay home with my baby. Should I tell my boss that upfront? What happens if I make that decision during my maternity leave? 90009 90002 According to Taboada, you need to strategize and «take the pulse» of what has historically happened in your organization for pregnant woman.»Figure out who’s a safe person in your organization-someone who’s gone through something similar-and talk through the issue with her,» she recommends. If you know what issues others have encountered, you can plan better for how you might deal with similar issues. 90003 90002 If paid maternity leave depends on your returning to work, you need to know that upfront, before you mention that you might stay home. Still, you should tell your employer of your plans not to return as soon as you make this decision so you can both plan for the transition.And, as with everything else, you should also consult your employee handbook if you are taking paid leave under a company policy as to any reimbursement the employer may require if you decide not to return. If you are taking leave under the FMLA, the employer may request reimbursement for any benefit expenses they have paid on your behalf during the time of the leave. 90003 90002 Finally, according to California attorney and employment law expert Lisa Pierson Weinberger, do think about what your current employer might report about you to potential future bosses.»Most employers try to be careful about what they say about a former employee as a general matter, but the best way to ensure that a woman leaves on good terms is to provide as much notice as possible about her decision not to return, and to be as helpful as possible in answering questions and helping to transition her work to her replacement, «Weinberger explains. 90003 .90000 Maternity Leave: Your Rights and Benefits 90001 90002 Know your rights, moms and dads 90003 90004 When you have a baby, you can take up to 12 weeks off work during a 12-month period and retain your right to return to the same, or an equivalent, position, including equivalent pay and benefits, if you are eligible to be covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Employees eligible for FMLA have worked for their employers for at least 12 months, including at least 1,250 hours during the previous 12 months.Additionally, the employee must work within 75 miles of where 50 or more employees work. FMLA leave is guaranteed unpaid, but employers or employees can opt to use paid vacation or sick time, when this is allowed by an employer. Both men and women are eligible for FMLA leave, which applies to private employees, all state and local government employees, and some federal employees. Your employer is required to continue your health insurance coverage during your FMLA leave. If you’ve been paying a portion of your health insurance premiums, you’ll have to continue doing so during your FMLA leave.If you do not want to take all 12 weeks of FMLA leave in a row, you may be able to break it down into shorter blocks of time, or even a shorter work week or work day. When possible, employees who are planning to use FMLA leave are required to tell their employers 30 days before the leave would begin. But if you have pregnancy complications that require you to stop working before the baby is born, the 12 weeks of FMLA leave would begin then. 90005 90004 Maternity pay 90005 90004 According to 2008 data from the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, just 9 percent of all workers were eligible for paid family leave.According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, which analyzed 2006 rankings for America’s 100 most family-friendly employers, 93 percent of those best-ranked companies provide at least one week of paid maternity leave, but 52 percent of the companies pay for six weeks or less. Every company has its own policies for maternity leave. If an employer does provide compensation, the amount you’ll receive may depend on what you earn and how long you’ve been working for the company. The best way to find out what you may be eligible for is to meet with a human resources representative or read the employee handbook.You may be allowed to use paid sick time, vacation days, or the company’s short-term disability coverage, in addition to paid leave. 90005 90004 Maternity leave extras 90005 90002 Paid leave: the facts 90003 90004 90015 Some states have passed laws that offer new parents paid maternity leave and, in many cases, paternity leave 90016. California was the first state to pass such legislation. Through its Paid Family Leave Program, employees who participate in the State Disability Insurance Program can receive up to six weeks of partial pay for time off within the first year of their baby’s birth.Two other states, Washington and New Jersey, have passed similar legislation, and other states may follow suit. Find out about the laws in your state. 90005 90004 Dads at home 90005 90004 Far fewer employers offer paid paternity leave to new dads than paid maternity leave to new moms. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, only 50 percent of 2006’s 100 most family-friendly companies offered paid paternity leave. Of them 35 percent paid for one to two weeks leave, and no companies paid for more than six weeks of paternity leave.Dads who want to be home for a newborn’s earliest days may be able to use paid vacation or sick leave, or they can take FMLA leave. 90005 90004 Paid leave: the facts 90005 90002 Better breaks for parents abroad 90003 90004 90015 A recent report from researchers at Harvard University 90016 and McGill University found the US lags behind most other countries when it comes to paid maternity and paternity leave. Out of 173 countries studied, 168 offered working women guaranteed paid maternity leave.The US was one of only five countries that did not, along with Lesotho, Liberia, Papua New Guinea, and Swaziland. Sixty-six countries offered men paid paternity leave; the US did not. 90005 90030.

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