Для корректной работы сайта необходим JavaScript. Включите его в настройках Вашего браузера или воспользуйтесь другим с поддержкой JavaScript-сценариев.
Приносим свои извинения за временные неудобства, произошла ошибка и сервер не может обработать Ваш запрос в данный момент. Повторите попытку через несколько минут.

Дата добавления
Тип занятости
- (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Переводчик английского языка в брачное агентство
- (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ЧАТ МЕНЕДЖЕР , ОПЕРАТОР ЧАТА, ПЕРЕВОДЧИК
- (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Переводчик (редактор) технических текстов с английского языка на русский язык
- (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Переводчик английского
- Переводчик писем в брачном агентстве
- Переводчик писем в брачном агентстве
- Переводчик (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); английского
- Переводчик в брачное агентство
- Переводчик в брачное агентство
- Переводчик в брачное агентство
- Переводчик в брачное агентство
- Переводчик в брачное агентство
- Оператор чата в брачное агентство
- Переводчик на немецкий язык / Корректор немецкого текста
- Переводчик текста с русского на французский
- Переводчик на французский язык / Корректор текста
- Переводчик текстов!
- Диспетчер на дому
- Копирайтер на дому срочно требуется
- Переводчик в брачное агентство
- Стример для онлайн-видео эфира
- Переводчик английского
- Ведущая видео эфиров (на дому)
- Управляющая домом
- Диспетчер на дому
- Гувернантка-Помічниця по дому
- Требуется управляющий загородным домом
- Переводчик английского языка в брачное агентство
- Переводчик английского
- Переводчик английского
- Переводчик английского языка в брачное агентство
- Переводчик английского в брачное агентство
- Freight, Car Shipping Broker, Logistics coordinator
- Переводчик писем в брачном агентстве
- Локализатор (переводчик английского языка)
- Переводчик (английский язык)
- Переводчик английского языка
- Переводчик английского
- Переводчик / Редактор английского языка
- Срочно работа: Переводчик на дому — Июль 2020
Переводчик английского языка в брачное агентство
10 000 — 40 000 грн.…Тебе нужен гибкий рабочий график? Ты ищешь интересную работу на дому? Мечтаешь о высоком доходе? Хочешь усовершенствовать свой… …удаленная работа, 5 дней в неделю, по 8 часов. Выходные дни на выбор переводчика Веселый, дружный коллектив опытных переводчиков, которые…
4 часа назад
10 000 грн.Предлагаем вакансию переводчик , чат- менеджер , оператор чата на сайт знакомств . Удаленная работа . На дому . Без вложений. Суть работы , это вести переписку ( только чат и письма ) на сайте знакомств с анкет наших клиенток . Вы будете вести переписку от лица другой…
12 дней назад
Переводчик (редактор) технических текстов с английского языка на русский язык
Переводчик (редактор) технических текстов с английского языка на русский язык В связи с расширением бизнеса в нашей компании открыта вакансия… …(по договоренности), удаленное сотрудничество (работа из дома). Обязанности: перевод и редактура текстов с/на английский язык…
Киев, Дмитриевская улица 18/24более 2 месяцев назад
Переводчик английского
8 000 — 20 000 грн.Требуются переводчики с желанием работать и зарабатывать. Переводчики английского языка для помощи нашим клиенткам в ведении электронных… …, усидчивость, Обязательно доступ к интернету и ПК дома. Готовность активно работать; Базовое знание английского…
Премиум Отклик без резюме
Переводчик писем в брачном агентстве
Тебе нужен доход, который сопоставим с личным графиком? Если ты в поиске независимой дистанционной работы — тогда тебе к нам! Требования: — знание английского на базовом уровне — уверенный пользователь ПК и доступ в сеть — коммуникабельность — ответственность…
Харьковская областьПремиум Отклик без резюме
Переводчик писем в брачном агентстве
Тебе нужен доход, который сопоставим с личным графиком? Если ты в поиске независимой дистанционной работы — тогда тебе к нам! Требования: — знание английского на базовом уровне — уверенный пользователь ПК и доступ в сеть — коммуникабельность — ответственность…
Премиум Отклик без резюме
Переводчик английского
8 000 — 25 000 грн.…желанием работать и зарабатывать! Мы ищем переводчиков английского языка для помощи нашим… …~обязательно доступ к интернету и ПК дома; ~готовность активно работать; ~базовое… …неделю при необходимости (только новым переводчикам). Если вам интересно, перезвоните и…
Премиум Отклик без резюме
Переводчик в брачное агентство
…перевод тел.переговоров, устные переводы (по желанию) • работа с клиентками и подбор кандидатов А если ты устал быть просто переводчиком и видишь себя менеджером/администратором dating-агентства, при этом у тебя есть необходимые знания, успешный опыт работы более 1…
Премиум Удалённая работа Jooble отклик
Переводчик в брачное агентство
…агентства. ~Своевременные выплаты заработной платы, без задержек. ~Бонусы и поощрения для лучших сотрудников. ~Карьерный рост от переводчика до менеджера и выше. С Вашей стороны требуется: ~Знание английского языка не ниже pre-intermediate/А2. ~Наличие исправного…
Премиум Удалённая работа Отклик без резюме
Переводчик в брачное агентство
…языка. Работа в офисе с гибким графиком. Наша дружная команда ищет креативного, активного, инициативного человека на должность переводчика в брачное агентство! Условия работы: ~работа в офисе ~выплаты 2 раза в месяц ~бонусы ~выходные Требования: ~владеть…
Премиум Отклик без резюме
Переводчик в брачное агентство
25 000 — 30 000 грн.Премиум Отклик без резюме
Переводчик в брачное агентство
10 000 — 15 000 грн.Премиум Удалённая работа Jooble отклик
Для корректной работы сайта необходим JavaScript. Включите его в настройках Вашего браузера или воспользуйтесь другим с поддержкой JavaScript-сценариев.
Приносим свои извинения за временные неудобства, произошла ошибка и сервер не может обработать Ваш запрос в данный момент. Повторите попытку через несколько минут.

Дата добавления
Тип занятости
Расстояние от города
Оператор чата в брачное агентство
12 000 — 20 000 грн. Будьте одним из первых, кто откликнулся…рабочий день?Общение, общение и еще раз общения! Работа с письмами и чатами онлайн в приятном коллективе. В последствии и устные переводы для влюбленных пар. И напоследок СЛАДКОЕ — З/П: ~40% 60% от объема выполненных работ (Вывод: больше работаешь больше получаешь…
Премиум Отклик без резюме
Переводчик на немецкий язык / Корректор немецкого текста
12 575 — 21 575 грн.…благотворительная организация «Фонд поддержки развития науки, культуры и спорта» предлагает должность «Переводчик — корректор немецкого текста». Обязанности: Требуется корректировать немецкий язык на 3 сайтах. Перевод детской книги с русского на немецкий….
4 дня назад
Переводчик текста с русского на французский
10 000 грн.…Стандартный, обычный перевод текста с русского на французский. Тематика: автомобили. Для получения заказа нужно пройти небольшой тестовый перевод. Гонорар, сроки и всё остальное обсуждаемо. Для получения заказа нужно пройти небольшое тестовое задание. Ссылка на заказ…
9 дней назад
Переводчик на французский язык / Корректор текста
12 575 — 21 575 грн.…Фонд поддержки развития науки, культуры и спорта» предлагает должность «Переводчик-корректор текста». Обязанности: Переводить и редактировать язык на сайте. Перевод детской книги с русского на французский язык. Условия: ~ Оплата сдельная….
4 дня назад
Переводчик текстов!
100 $Работа заключается в переводе текста с английского на русский.Можно за день заработать 50 долларов и больше, всё зависит от вас и вашего желания!
3 дня назад
Диспетчер на дому
100 — 1 500 грн./день…загрузки до выгрузки.Контроль взаиморасчетов. Обязанности: Работаете сами на себя. Сколько поработали-то и Ваше.Работа удаленно на дому, гибкий график, но предпочтительно от 6 часов в день. Ваш заработок будет напрямую связан от объема проделанной работы. Работа не…
16 дней назад
Отклик без резюме
Копирайтер на дому срочно требуется
…Описание вакансии Копирайтер на дому срочно требуется Киев: срочно в Киеве открыта… …копирайтера для написания и редактирования текстов. Требуются в связи с расширением штата,… …поиске, как написать качественный рерайт текста, ознакомиться прочитать обязательное условия…
1 месяц назад
Переводчик в брачное агентство
12 000 — 30 000 грн.Важно! Опыт в данной сфере или огромное желание учиться и впитывать новую информацию. Наша дейтинговая компания «ROYAL» более 10 лет на рынке и активно развивается! В связи с этим на постоянной основе проходят наборы сотрудников со знанием английского языка для удаленной…
Премиум Удалённая работа Отклик без резюме
Стример для онлайн-видео эфира
3 000 — 50 000 грн.…плана, от $128 до $4200 в месяц. (В нашей команде реально получает девушка $2000). 2) Выплаты раз в месяц. 3) Работа удалённая из дома 4) Выполнение плана по времени (минимум 30 часов в месяц) и по собранным подаркам. 5) Есть команда, желательно ходить на…
24 дня назад
Удалённая работа Отклик без резюме
Переводчик английского
8 000 — 25 000 грн.…творческий подход! Главные требования: ~коммуникабельность, ответственность, усидчивость; ~обязательно доступ к интернету и ПК дома; ~готовность активно работать; ~базовое знание английского языка; ~ведение грамотной корреспонденции; ~творческий подход; ~…
Премиум Отклик без резюме
Ведущая видео эфиров (на дому)
3 000 — 50 000 грн.Команда стримеров ищет интересных людей которые будут вести прямые эфиры (как live в instagram или facebook) Трансляции можно проводить на свободную тематику — можно просто общаться со зрителями, петь, танцевать, проводить конкурсы, знакомиться, учиться языки. Придумывать…
24 дня назад
Удалённая работа Отклик без резюме
Управляющая домом
…кейтеринговых компаний, знание элитных поставщиков продуктов питания, умение работать с дорогим гардеробом. Условия: Требуется управляющая в дом 600 кв. м., график 5/2, оплата 20000. Звоните! Резюме не рассматриваем. Есть другие варианты работы. Агентство домашнего персонала «…
17 часов назад
Диспетчер на дому
…машина довезет груз до место-назначения. Условия: Работаете сами на себя.Сколько поработали-то и Ваше. Работа удаленно на дому, гибкий график, но предпочтительно от 6 часов в день. Ваш заработок будет напрямую связан от объема проделанной работы. Оплачиваемая…
19 дней назад
Гувернантка-Помічниця по дому
60 грн./часСім’я з 2х дорослих і 1 дитини (хлопчик 11 років) запрошує на постійну роботу гувернантку-помічницю по дому. ОБОВ’ЯЗКОВІ ВИМОГИ: Жінка 35-50 років; Досвід роботи гувернанткою-домробітницею в родині вахтовим методом (через тиждень), наявність рекомендацій; Вміння…
7 дней назад
Требуется управляющий загородным домом
36 000 грн.Требуется управляющий загородным домом на полную занятость. Работа в Киевской обл., г. Вишневое, График 5/2 с 8.00 до 18.00 Оплата: 36000 грн/месяц Требования: мужчина или женщина до 55 лет, порядочность, тактичность, пунктуальность, ответственность. Обязанности: управление…
11 дней назад
Для корректной работы сайта необходим JavaScript. Включите его в настройках Вашего браузера или воспользуйтесь другим с поддержкой JavaScript-сценариев.
Приносим свои извинения за временные неудобства, произошла ошибка и сервер не может обработать Ваш запрос в данный момент. Повторите попытку через несколько минут.

Дата добавления
Тип занятости
Переводчик английского языка в брачное агентство
10 000 — 40 000 грн.…рабочий график? Ты ищешь интересную работу на дому? Мечтаешь о высоком доходе? Хочешь усовершенствовать свой английский? Тогда эта вакансия ИМЕННО ДЛЯ ТЕБЯ!… …в неделю, по 8 часов. Выходные дни на выбор переводчика Веселый, дружный коллектив опытных переводчиков…
4 часа назад
Переводчик английского
8 000 — 20 000 грн.Требуются переводчики с желанием работать и зарабатывать. Переводчики английского языка для помощи нашим клиенткам в ведении электронных переписок на международных сайтах… …, Обязательно доступ к интернету и ПК дома. Готовность активно работать; Базовое знание…
Премиум Отклик без резюме
Переводчик английского
8 000 — 25 000 грн.…желанием работать и зарабатывать! Мы ищем переводчиков английского языка для помощи нашим клиенткам в… …~обязательно доступ к интернету и ПК дома; ~готовность активно работать; ~… …неделю при необходимости (только новым переводчикам). Если вам интересно, перезвоните…
Премиум Отклик без резюме
Переводчик английского языка в брачное агентство
14 000 — 20 000 грн.☝ Ищем к себе в команду ПЕРЕВОДЧИКОВ английского языка: 🙌 Ты наш кандидат, если: Уровень английского выше среднего Умелый пользователь… …от 12500 грн + устные переводы! Уже работаешь переводчиком?! Отправь резюме прямо сейчас и уже на следующей неделе ты…
Премиум Отклик без резюме
Переводчик английского в брачное агентство
5 000 — 30 000 грн.Veronika agency от UDS приглашает на постоянную работу Администратор чата со знанием английского языка. Предлагаем удаленную работу для коммуникабельных и трудолюбивых мужчин и женщин, с креативным подходом к ведению переписки. Администратор чата — это работа с переводом…
Премиум Удалённая работа Jooble отклик
Freight, Car Shipping Broker, Logistics coordinator
27 000 — 100 000 грн.…свободное от основной работы время). Работа удаленная, со своего дома. Время работы с трех часов дня и до полуночи (по Киевскому… …Требования: ~English/Russian speaking (отличное знание английского языка) ~готовность работать в вечерне время по Киеву ~уверенный…
Премиум Удалённая работа Jooble отклик
Переводчик писем в брачном агентстве
2 400 — 29 000 грн.…сопоставим с личным графиком? Если ты в поиске независимой дистанционной работы — тогда тебе к нам! Требования: — знание английского на базовом уровне — уверенный пользователь ПК и доступ в сеть — коммуникабельность — ответственность — креативность…
Харьковская областьПремиум Отклик без резюме
Локализатор (переводчик английского языка)
…легкостью любые вызовы игровой индустрии и стремительно развиваться. Наши проекты: Необходимые навыки и опыт: знание английского языка на уровне Advanced; грамотные и интересные тексты на русском языке; супер способность быстро переключаться между…
1 день назад
Переводчик (английский язык)
11 200 грн.…подтверждением чего является более 10 млн зарегистрированных доменов по всему миру. Если ты мечтаешь попасть в IT, знаешь английский на уровне Intermediate и выше – мы готовы обучить тебя всему необходимому. Обязанности: ~ Предоставление…
1 день назад
Переводчик английского языка
7 000 — 10 000 грн.…переговоры; Ведение делопроизводства по заявкам в области интеллектуальной собственности. От успешных кандидатов мы ожидаем: Знание английского языка на уровне не ниже Upper intermediate; Знание основ деловой переписки; Внимательность; Аккуратность в оформлении…
20 дней назад
Jooble отклик
Переводчик английского
7 000 грн.Требования: высокий уровень знания языков английского русского украинского, высшее образование по направлению подготовки «Филология, перевод или преподаватель английского языка». Условия работы: полная занятость, работа в офисе, 5 дней в неделю с 9.00 до 18.00 Обязанности…
28 дней назад
Jooble отклик
Переводчик / Редактор английского языка
10 000 грн.…Служба переводов «Филин» приглашает к сотрудничеству переводчиков и редакторов английского языка. Обязанности: ~ Перевод с русского на английский язык, тематика: нефтегазовая промышленность. Перевод осуществлять в SmartCat. Условия: Большой проект…
метро Исторический музей, Харьков7 дней назад
Срочно работа: Переводчик на дому — Июль 2020
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Технический переводчик (английский/русский).
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90000 19 Work At Home Translator Jobs: Completely Scam Free 90001 90002 90003 One portion of work at home jobs I’ve not really covered is translation. There are companies out there that will pay you to translate to all kinds of different languages. Today I’ve put together a list of 19 different work at home translator jobs that are scam free. 90004 90002 If you’re not familiar with translator work, companies will pay pretty good money for someone who is bilingual and can translate / interpret well.90004 90002 From what I can see it’s a pretty competitive industry, but if you have the skills you can make it on with one of the translation companies below! 90004 90002 Lets go ahead and begin, here are 19 translation sites that you may be interested in. 90004 90011 90012 19 Translation Sites That Hire Translators & Interpreters 90013 90002 90015 American Journal Experts 90016 90004 90002 Is a site that hires translators. The requirements are pretty strict and they’re looking for people who have degrees in the translation field.The work mainly consists of translating educational papers and documents. They currently only have a few positions open, and they’re both in Chinese to English. 90004 90002 They do say that openings change frequently so it’s a good place to check often. Pay is based primarily on length of document and difficulty. 90004 90002 90015 Gengo 90016 90015 (Full Review) 90016 90004 90002 A site perfect for beginners. As long as you can pass the translation tests you’re accepted. Type of files vary, but most are short emails or conversations.The pay rate is $ .03 per word for standard members. 90004 90002 They offer room for promotion if you put out quality work. This unlocks more jobs and higher pay rate. 90004 90002 They make payments via PayPal and this is open anywhere you can open a PayPal account. 90004 90002 90015 Certified languages 90016 90004 90002 This company is looking for US based workers who have at least 2 years of experience. Now they say they show priority to applicants that are certified, but it’s not a requirement.90004 90002 I can not find much information, but looks like you’ll need to submit an application with a resume attached. They will contact you with more details if they’re interested. 90004 90002 90015 Andovar 90016 90004 90002 A company that hires a variety of different positions Worldwide, sometimes they have openings in the translation field. They will not hire beginners, so experience is a must. 90004 90002 They do not disclose the exact rate of pay on this job, but some other positions on their site have rates and they’re pretty competitive.They pay by Direct Deposit every week. 90004 90002 90015 Rev 90016 90004 90002 Hires translators along with transcribers. Occasionally has openings for translators. 90004 90002 Very flexible schedule, you can log on at anytime and work. 90004 90002 Payments made quick and easy by PayPal. 90004 90002 90015 Translators Town 90016 90015 (Full Review) 90016 90004 90002 A bit different than most of the sites on this list. This is basically a freelance site that only has translation jobs on it.When you join you’ll see a full list of jobs. You as a freelancer will bid on jobs. 90004 90002 If you get a job you’ll complete the work inside of the Translator Town’s software and be paid upon completion. 90004 90002 As you can expect, there’s no hourly rate with this site. Payment is by job and price can vary based on length, difficulty, and other freelancers low balling bids. 90004 90002 90015 Language Service Associates 90016 90004 90002 Hires translators in different languages, but also offers sign language and face to face, which makes it a bit different than other sites on this list.They’re not always hiring, but they have a full list of openings on their website. 90004 90002 They say that they require at least 3 years of experience and being certified is a major advantage, but not a requirement. 90004 90002 90015 Proz 90016 90004 90002 Now Proz does not actually offer any translation jobs, but they are a marketplace for finding great job leads. I recommend checking them out if you’re interested in translation work. 90004 90002 Along with job leads they have a ton of training that can help you gain experience in the field.90004 90002 90015 Verbal Ink 90016 90004 90002 A company that hires transcribers and translators. Offers jobs in about 15 different languages to English. They do require you to have at least 3 years experience in the field. 90004 90002 Application process starts with sending your resume to an email they provide. Pay Rate is not disclosed, but from forums they say it’s competitive. 90004 90002 90015 Verilogue 90016 90004 90002 Another site that hires transcribers and translators, but combines it into one job.You’ll need to be able to translate and transcribe at the same time, which sounds pretty hard to me. 90004 90002 The average pay rate is $ 2.80 per audio minute transcribed. There are other tasks that can be preformed that raise the payment, along with difficulty. 90004 90002 90015 World Lingo 90016 90004 90002 Hires translators and proofreaders world wide. Requires you to have 2-5 years of experience, a college degree, and a certification in your country. 90004 90002 No information on pay, but based on the requirements I’d say it’s industry to above industry standard.90004 90002 90015 Verbalizeit 90016 90004 90002 A company that hires translators in 150 different countries. They have a huge list of languages, looks like over 100 that they have work in. 90004 90002 After applying you’ll need to complete the training. Only the top applicants will get accepted. 90004 90002 Payments are twice a month via PayPal. 90004 90002 90015 Language Line 90016 90004 90002 A bit different than most jobs on this list, and it’s actually an interpreter job. Basically you’ll be listening to 3 way phone calls and be translating / interpreting the conversation for both parties.90004 90002 You will need a headset and dedicated phone line. 90004 90002 No information on how much they pay, but all feedback seems to be positive. 90004 90002 90015 Airbnb 90016 90004 90002 Is a company that hires a bunch of different WAH positions, and also has translation jobs from time to time. They do not give out much information about the position, but it does look like it’s a fair pay rate and open worldwide to first language English speakers. 90004 90002 90015 Cyracom 90016 90004 90002 This company hires interpreters on a contract basis.Requirements are fluent in two languages, at least a two year degree in interpretation, experience, and professional certification. 90004 90002 Offers a very flexible schedule where you can set your own hours and work where and when you want. 90004 90002 90015 Interpbridge 90016 90004 90002 Some of you may have heard of LionBridge, known for search engine evaluator jobs, but they also hire translators from time to time. 90004 90002 Has a short 5-15 application process that includes past experience, your skills, and a short test.90004 90002 90015 Language Scientific 90016 90004 90002 Has some strict qualifications. Since you’ll mainly be doing technical translation, they require you have a degree in the field or at least some background information on the subject. 90004 90002 No information on pay, but based on the expertise needed I’d say it’s way above industry standard. 90004 90002 90015 Transperfect 90016 90004 90002 Company hires various positions, but also hires freelance translators and interpreters.Must be fluent in two languages and have a high school diploma. 90004 90002 You’ll need to pass a few tests in the languages that you provide. 90004 90002 90171 90172 Transparent 90173 90174 90015 Language 90016 90004 90002 Hires translators around the world in a ton of different languages. Also hires in other positions such as language tutors. 90004 90002 Large company with a very good reputation and positive feedback from current workers. 90004 90011 90002 There you have it, 19 different scam free work at home translator jobs.To be honest I have not fully researched every company and soon I’ll most likely have a link to a full review of each company. But I’m confident they’re all scam free and legit. 90004 90002 Translation work is a pretty targeted job, since you have to be bilingual, but there’s still a ton of competition and it’s not easy to get a job. For this reason I always recommend checking out my # 1 recommendation. It’s not a job where you’ll be hired by a company, but it’s a good way to build something for yourself and earn a living as your own boss from home.90004 90002 If that’s not for you, check out some of the other work at home jobs or extra income sites I recommend. 90004 90002 Hopefully you enjoyed this list of sites to get translation work. 90190 Have you worked for any of these companies? Know of other translator jobs hiring? 90191 I’d love to hear more about your experiences in the comments. 90004 .90000 28 Best Legitimate Translation Work From Home Jobs 90001 90002 90003 Those with multilingual skills can even work from home! 90004 90005 Need Easy Extra $ 350 + / Month For Free? 90006 90007 90008 90009 Lifepoints: 90010 Famed MySurvey just rebranded to LifePoints. Take paid surveys anytime and anywhere via PC or Mobile App. Paid its members over $ 32 Million so far! 90009 Join LifePoints Now 90010 90013 90008 90009 SwagBucks: 90010 Watch videos, take surveys, shop and more to earn real money.90009 Join Swagbucks Now to Get $ 5 Free 90010 90013 90008 90009 Opinion Outpost: 90010 One of the few faithful and honest survey panels pays cash and gift cards for your opinion. No hidden fees and completely free! 90009 Join Opinion Outpost Now 90010 90013 90008 90009 InboxDollars: 90010 Has so far paid its members over $ 40 Million. Watch videos, take surveys, shop and more. 90009 Join InboxDollars Now and Get Free $ 5 90010 90013 90008 90009 SurveyJunkie: 90010 Make $ 5 $ 25 in your spare time from home to take online surveys, participating in a Focus Groups and trying new products.90009 Join SurveyJunkie Now 90010 90013 90008 90009 Pinecone Research: 90010 A leading name in online panels guarantees $ 3 cash for every survey you complete! No hidden fees and completely free! 90009 Join Pinecone Research Now 90010 90013 90008 90009 Ipsos iSay: 90010 One of the few faithful and honest survey panels. Earn prizes, gift cards and donations. 90009 Join Ipsos iSay Now 90010 90013 90050 90002 Remote translation jobs are becoming more commonplace as companies begin to outsource the work to skilled freelancers and employees who want to work from home.90004 90002 Translator jobs can come in a variety of forms, as you’ll see when you browse through the companies that hire for them. 90004 90002 Some just need people who can translate documents, while others require speaking roles for customer service, tutoring, and more. 90004 90002 Hopefully, you can find your perfect interpreting job from home from one of the below companies. 90004 90059 90005 Want to Work from Home as a Translator? 90006 90062 90002 If you want to know how to become a freelance translator or work for an interpreting company, the answer will really depend on the company’s requirements.90004 90002 Usually, though, you’ll need to hold a college degree, or at least obtain special certification. 90004 90002 The American Translator’s Association is a good place to start looking into your certification. 90004 90002 You also will likely need experience for most positions, so it’s a good idea to start gaining some experience with small, entry-level jobs to start. Internships may also be a possibility. 90004 90002 Here are several top companies that hire work from home translators and interpreters: 90004 90073 90005 1.90006 90005 90006 90005 AirBNB 90006 90080 90002 AirBNB occasionally offers remote translator jobs for several languages. 90004 90002 These jobs are typically part of the customer service department. 90004 90002 With any full-time position at AirBNB, you have the opportunity to get a full benefits package that includes paid time off, medical benefits, and more. 90004 90073 90005 2. 90006 90005 American Journal Experts 90006 90080 90002 This company hires independent contractors as translators for a variety of languages.90004 90002 You must have technical experience in certain academic areas and be fluent, both written and verbal, for the required languages. 90004 90002 You’ll be translating manuscripts written in the languages you have expertise in. 90004 90005 Need Easy Extra Cash? 90006 90002 Pinecone Research, a leading name in online survey panel honesty, absolutely guarantees $ 3 cash for every survey you complete! 90102 Take advantage of their time limited New Membership drive and register NOW. Join today: 100% free! 90004 90002 Join Pinecone Research Now 90004 90002 Compensation is based on the length of the manuscript and how quickly you turn it in while maintaining accuracy.90004 90073 90005 3. 90006 90005 Andovar 90006 90080 90002 Andovar seeks freelance translators and editors. 90004 90002 The requirements for this job are few, but you must be able to pass a skills test before you can start any work. However, no specific degree or certification is mentioned. 90004 90002 You must also have expertise in some of the company’s specialization areas for its clients. 90004 90002 You can choose these areas when you complete your online application. 90004 90073 90005 4.90006 90005 Appen Butler Hill 90006 90080 90002 Appen is probably most well-known for its search engine evaluator and ad rater jobs. 90004 90002 But, the company also seeks freelance translators for various languages. 90004 90002 You can work a minimum of 15 hours up to 30 hours per week and you must pass a fluency test in the languages you’re applying for. 90004 90002 No certification or degree program is mentioned for these positions. 90004 90002 When you apply, you can mention you’re preferred rate, which is typically determined based on your experience.90004 90073 90005 5. 90006 90005 Certified Languages 90006 90080 90002 You must live in the United States and speak fluent English and at least one other language to join the interpreter team for Certified Languages. 90004 90002 It’s not a requirement to have certification, but the company does state that they prioritize independent contractor applications who do have one of the preferred certifications noted on the site. 90004 90002 You can submit your resume and apply online. 90004 90073 90005 6.90006 90005 Cyracom 90006 90080 90002 Cyracom seeks remote phone interpreters who can speak at least two languages fluently. 90004 90002 You’ll be contracted to work with a variety of projects and clients, so your work may vary each day. 90004 90002 Cyracom provides paid training so that you can do accurate work for each client. 90004 90002 You’ll also get insurance coverage, overtime pay, and other benefits. 90004 90073 90005 7. 90006 90005 Gengo 90006 90080 90002 Gengo is much like a freelance marketplace for experienced translators.90004 90002 You can sign up as a Gengo interpreter and choose the projects you want to work on when you have availability. 90004 90002 Your primary language and known languages have the biggest impact on your pay here, because more in-demand languages will often have more projects available. 90004 90002 You can calculate your projected average monthly pay using the calculator on the website. 90004 90073 90005 8. 90006 90005 Interpbridge 90006 90080 90002 Interpbridge is Lionbridge’s translation site that helps clients with over-the-phone translating services.90004 90002 If you already have a Lionbridge account for other work from home opportunities, you can sign up using it. 90004 90002 If not, complete the short application. Either way, you’ll have to take a short skills test to prove your language abilities. 90004 90073 90005 9. 90006 90005 Interpreters and Translators, Inc. 90006 90080 90002 The Interpreters and Translators, Inc. team looks for remote, experienced candidates to hop on board. 90004 90002 The company has a variety of opportunities that may fit your needs, including professional and entry-level interpreters.90004 90002 As an independent contractor, you can work on your own schedule for several different industries, taking the skills you’ve learned with you as you go. 90004 90073 90005 10. 90006 90005 iTutor 90006 90080 90002 iTutor is an online tutoring system that looks for remote classroom translators to perform live language classes for students. 90004 90002 The company looks for these tutors who are experienced in English and another language and have proof of United States citizenship.90004 90005 Earn Everything … nearly! 90006 90002 Join Opinion Outpost, one of the few faithful and honest survey panels and earn cash and gift cards for your opinion. Stack your points and redeem them: Simple! No hidden fees and completely free! 90004 90002 Join Opinion Outpost Now 90004 90002 You also must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED. A college degree is preferred, but not a requirement. 90004 90073 90005 11. 90006 90005 Language Line 90006 90080 90002 You’ll be working as a call center operator putting your language skills to use for Language Line’s clients who need calls placed in another language.90004 90002 These jobs are open to several countries, including the U.S., U.K., and Canada. 90004 90002 Pay is based on your performance and the project itself. 90004 90073 90005 12. 90006 90005 Language Scientific 90006 90080 90002 This company offers a variety of translation jobs for remote employees, including both entry-level and senior positions. 90004 90002 You can also apply if you have experience in the medical field, as interpreters for the healthcare industry are also needed.90004 90002 Projects vary based on clients, and your pay will also be based on the project. 90004 90002 Language Scientific does offer several benefits, including disability insurance, paid vacation, and more. 90004 90073 90005 13. 90006 90005 Language Service Associates 90006 90080 90002 Language Service Associates looks for qualified linguists for its positions. 90004 90002 Here, you can choose from a variety of jobs, like sign language interpretation or phone translation services.90004 90002 You’ll also benefit from a feedback process that can help you as you grow in your career. 90004 90073 90005 14. 90006 90005 Multilingual Connections 90006 90080 90002 This company is one that provides various language services to clients, including transcription, translation, and more. 90004 90002 There are over 75 languages that the company works with, so you’ll have a good opportunity to find a position here regardless of languages you’re fluent in. 90004 90002 This company hires you as a freelancer for its translation opportunities.You can find out more by contacting the company through its website. 90004 90073 90005 15. 90006 90005 MultiLingual Solutions 90006 90080 90002 MultiLingual Solutions has full-time and freelancer opportunities for this career path. 90004 90002 You can search the Careers database to find the right job for you. 90004 90002 Use keywords like «translator» or «interpreter» to narrow down your choices. 90004 90002 The freelance opportunities with the company are generally on-call, meaning that you’ll be contacted when there’s some work available.90004 90073 90005 16. 90006 90005 Pacific Interpretation 90006 90080 90002 Pacific Interpretation looks for remote workers to provide over-the-phone services for clients in several languages. 90004 90002 The parent site for Pacific Interpretation is actually LanguageLine Solutions, so you can find jobs for both on its Careers page. 90004 90073 90005 17. 90006 90005 ProZ 90006 90080 90002 ProZ is like a forum for skilled translators in several languages. 90004 90002 Others will post work that they need made into another language, like a document, blog post, or email.90004 90002 You can browse through the listings to find one-time jobs or ongoing freelance work. 90004 90002 There is a cost for membership, though, which varies by country. 90004 90073 90005 18. 90006 90005 Responsive Translation Services 90006 90080 90002 Responsive Translation Services offers freelance positions to translators and project managers. 90004 90002 You’ll need to submit a cover letter and resume to the email listed on the website. 90004 90002 Jobs may not always be available, but your application will remain on file so that hiring managers can choose from the applicant pool when necessary.90004 90073 90005 19. 90006 90005 Rev 90006 90080 90002 Rev is most known for its transcription services, but it also has a service for interpreting and translating. 90004 90002 You can work on your own time simply by logging onto your dashboard and finding available work when you have time. 90004 90002 You can also choose what projects you work on to find things best suited toward your skills. 90004 90002 Rev pays weekly via PayPal. You can get paid between 5 cents and 7 cents per word.90004 90073 90005 20. 90006 90005 Translators Town 90006 90080 90002 Translators Town is a place where people in need of translation services can post about the work they need done. 90004 90002 As a worker for the site, you’ll be a freelancer who can respond to the ads others place. 90004 90002 You’ll bid on the jobs with your best rate, much like freelancers bid on the jobs on Upwork and other freelance marketplaces. 90004 90073 90005 21. 90006 90005 Transparent Language 90006 90080 90002 You can translate texts remotely for Transparent Language.90004 90002 You need at least one to two years of relevant experience and you must have native or near-native fluency of the languages you specialize in. 90004 90002 The company works with several different languages, which you can view in a table here. 90004 90073 90005 22. 90006 90005 Transperfect 90006 90080 90002 Transperfect offers employee and freelance positions. 90004 90002 Register as a freelancer and your profile will remain in the company’s database for potential work opportunities.90004 90002 It’s important to be as thorough as possible with your application so that your profile will show for relevant opportunities as needed. 90004 90002 Most employee positions are on-site, but the company does reportedly have occasional openings for remote employees. 90004 90073 90005 23. 90006 90005 Unbabel 90006 90080 90002 Unbabel is an artificial-intelligence translation service that uses skilled people to refine the translations that the system gives. 90004 90002 You’ll be one of those people if you sign up as a translator with the company.90004 90002 You’ll be given some of the system’s translations to compare to the original text and edit them using your knowledge of the language. 90004 90002 Unbabel starts you with a base rate, but you can move up the ladder to higher rates as your skills and performance increase. 90004 90002 You’ll get paid weekly via PayPal or Skrill. 90004 90073 90005 24. 90006 90005 Verbal Ink 90006 90080 90002 Verbal Ink is a division of Ubiqus, one of the top companies that offers remote transcription work.90004 90002 This company looks for remote translation experts to fulfill the jobs that clients place. 90004 90002 You can send your resume and cover letter to the email listed on the website. 90004 90073 90005 25. 90006 90005 Verbalizeit 90006 90080 90002 Verbalizeit provides various language services to businesses all over the world. 90004 90002 To become a translator with the company, you’ll have to pass an assessment to prove your skills. 90004 90002 If you get accepted, you can sign onto the system whenever you have a spare moment to work.90004 90002 The system will flag you as available and you can begin to pick up open tasks. 90004 90002 Verbalizeit pays twice per month with PayPal. 90004 90073 90005 26. 90006 90005 Verilogue 90006 90080 90002 Verilogue focuses on interpreting and translating for the healthcare industry. 90004 90002 It reportedly seeks professionals skilled in this area to work remotely for its clients. 90004 90002 If you’re interested in a position, you can submit your resume and cover letter to the email address on the website.90004 90073 90005 27. 90006 90005 WordExpress 90006 90080 90002 WordExpress has full-time and part-time freelance positions available for interpreters and translators. 90004 90002 It appears that the positions will all require you to be fluent in English and at least one other language. 90004 90002 To apply, email your resume to the address on the website. 90004 90073 90005 28. 90006 90005 World Lingo 90006 90080 90002 You’ll need at least 5 years of experience to work with World Lingo as a freelancer.90004 90002 You must also hold a relevant degree from an accredited college or university and have at least two years of professional translating experience in your chosen languages for your specialty area. 90004 90002 You can fill out an application on the website. 90004 90059 90005 Looking for More Work as an Interpreter from Home? 90006 90062 90002 This list does not include every company that hires work from home interpreters and if you have not found the perfect job for you yet, there are other places you can look.90004 90002 Upwork is a good place for freelance interpreters to find work. 90004 90002 Here, you can bid on jobs and build a portfolio by working with various clients. 90004 90002 You bid on jobs that have a desirable pay rate for you and fit your skills. 90004 90002 Clients can rate your job performance when you’ve completed projects, which can also help give you some testimonials. 90004 90002 Or, if you’re looking for employee-based remote work, try Indeed. 90004 90002 This curated job search engine is an excellent place to find remote jobs of all kinds.90004 90002 It rounds up jobs from search engines all over the web and puts them in one convenient place. 90004 90002 Use the search function to search for «translation» or «interpreter» and use the location search to locate «remote» opportunities. 90004 90059 90005 Conclusion: Best Translation Jobs from Home 90006 90062 90002 Hopefully, this list helps you find translation jobs online (no experience necessary for some!). 90004 90002 If you have the gift of language, this can be the perfect opportunity for you to find a new career you love from the comfort of your home office.90004 90002 90483 Does this sound like the perfect work from home job for you? 90484 90004 90002 90483 Let us know your thoughts in a comment! 90484 90004 90073 Related Posts: 90080 90005 Earn Everything … nearly! 90006 90002 Join Ipsos iSay, one of the few Faithful and Honest survey panels and earn prizes, gift cards and donations. Stack your points and redeem them: Simple! No hidden fees and completely free! 90004 90002 Join Ipsos Now 90004.90000 How Electronic Language Translators Work 90001 90002 In National Lampoon’s «European Vacation,» Clark W. Griswold travels to the Old Country with Helen, Rusty, Audrey — and his handy foreign language translator. The wife and kids make Clark look like a boob from time to time, but none set him up for ridicule like his trusty electronic device. When the «Pig in a Poke» grand-prize winner brandishes the translator at a French café, his Midwest-accented French earns him a barrage of indecipherable insults from the smiling, caustic waiter.90003 90002 Back in 1985, it was hard to tell what was funnier — Chevy Chase or the concept of a language translator that could actually perform well. That’s because 90005 machine translation 90006, the use of computers to translate from one language to another, had not lived up to the hype generated in the 1950s and ’60s. 90003 90002 Here’s a quick recap: After Georgetown University and IBM developed a machine capable of translating 60 sentences from Russian to English in 1954 scientists predicted that computers would perform near-perfect translation within five years.Not quite. Developing algorithms that could accurately translate foreign languages proved to be enormously challenging. In 1966 in a symbolic shrug of defeat, the Automatic Language Processing Advisory Committee reported that humans could perform faster, more accurate translation at half the cost. (Score one for the humans.) 90003 90002 Then a breakthrough. In the 1980s, computer scientists devised a way to make translations using statistical probability instead of complex rules based on syntax, grammar and semantics.They directed computers to analyze translated texts to determine the probability that a word or phrase in one language matched a word or phrase in another. The problem? It was difficult to get enough raw material to make the calculations possible, like trying to base probabilities on five coin tosses versus 5 million tosses. 90003 90002 That final information barrier collapsed when the Internet was commercialized in the 1990s. Suddenly, huge amounts of bilingual text became available, making statistical machine translation both feasible and, because of the huge reservoir of data available to it, more accurate than traditional, rules-based methods of translation.When the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency began throwing money around to develop translators for military use, the momentum finally shifted, and hand-held translators moved from the realm of science fiction to reality. 90003 90002 The hardware and software born from this R & D eventually trickled down into consumer electronics. Now companies like Franklin, ECTACO and Lingo feature a stunning — and stupefying — array of electronic translators. Before you rush to get yours, with dreams of speaking fluent Spanish as you stroll the streets of Madrid, keep reading.90003 90002 90017 Por favor 90018. 90003 .90000 Translation activities in the language classroom | TeachingEnglish | British Council 90001 90002 It does not consider the role of the L1 as a teaching tool, for example for classroom management, setting up activities, or for explaining new vocabulary. This question has been discussed elsewhere on the Teaching English site. The article starts by looking at what we mean by translation as an activity in the language classroom, and then briefly reviews the history of translation in language learning within the framework of various methodologies.It then considers some of the many objections ELT thinkers and practitioners have had to translation, and some of the possible benefits of its use. It concludes with some observations about how to make translation tasks successful, and some activities. 90003 90002 Introduction 90005 Translation was a significant part of ELT for a long time, and then a significant missing part for a long time also. With the arrival and then total dominance of communicative methodologies, translation was quickly consigned to the past, along with other ‘traditional’ tools such as dictation, reading aloud and drills.However, it and these other abandoned activities are now a feature of many communicative classrooms and successful aids to learning, although the approach to using them has changed. As Duff (1989) says, teachers and students now use translation to learn, rather than learning translation. Modern translation activities usually move from L1 to L2, (although the opposite direction can also be seen in lessons with more specific aims), have clear communicative aims and real cognitive depth, show high motivation levels and can produce impressive communicative results.90003 90002 The history of translation in ELT methodologies 90005 As mentioned above, translation was the basis of language teaching for a very long time, and then rejected as new methodologies started to appear. It was a key element of the Grammar Translation Method, which was derived from the classical method of teaching Greek and Latin. This was not a positive learning experience for many: as well as learners memorizing huge lists of rules and vocabulary, this method involved them translating whole literary or historic texts word for word.Unsurprisingly, new methodologies tried to improve on this. The Direct or Natural Method established in Germany and France around 1900 was a response to the obvious problems associated with the Grammar Translation Method. In the Direct Method the teacher and learners avoid using the learners ‘native language and just use the target language. Like the Direct Method, the later Audio-Lingual Method tried to teach the language directly, without using the L1 to explain new items. Subsequent ‘humanistic’ methodologies such as the Silent Way and Total Physical Response and communicative approaches moved even further away from the L1, and from these arise many of the objections to translation.90003 90002 Objections to using translation 90005 We can consider possible problems with using translation by looking at possible negative impact on learners and then on teachers. Under each heading we can consider some of the concerns expressed. 90003 90002 90005 Learners 90003 90002 Translation teaches learners about language, but not how to use it. Translation does not help learners develop their communication skills. 90003 90018 90019 Translation encourages learners to use L1, often for long periods of class time, when the aim of modern teaching is to remove it from the classroom.90020 90019 The skills involved in translation may not be suitable for all kinds of learners. It may, for example, be best for learners who are more analytical or have preferences for verbal-linguistic learning strategies. It may not be suitable either for young learners or lower levels. 90020 90019 Learners may not see the value of translation as an activity to help them learn English, and instead see it as a specialised, and difficult, activity. 90020 90019 Translation is a difficult skill which must be done well in order to be productive and rewarding.Learners and teachers not only have to take into account meaning but also a range of other issues, including form, register, style, and idiom. This is not easy, but too many translation activities rely on it being done well. 90020 90027 90002 Teachers 90003 90018 90019 Translation activities are tricky to set up and take a lot of preparation, especially anticipating possible problems. 90020 90019 Translation requires a motivated class. 90020 90019 The teacher needs to have a sophisticated knowledge of the L1 and the L1 culture.Without this translation can create more problems than benefits. This level of awareness is almost impossible in a multi-lingual class. 90020 90019 Following on from this, if a teacher uses L1 in a translation activity then this can undermine their work to maintain an English-speaking environment in the class. Learners inevitably see them as an L1 resource. 90020 90019 Translation is by definition text-bound, and confined to the two skills of reading and writing. This makes it hard to justify for many classes with time restrictions.90020 90019 Translation is time-consuming and difficult but the teacher must be as good as and better than the learners at it, to be able to manage the activity well. 90020 90027 90002 Benefits 90005 Many ELT teachers and theorists now see the validity and value of translation as an activity in communicative classrooms (although few coursebook writers offer ideas and materials for this area). Below are some of the ways translations can have a positive impact; many of these also serve as responses to the objections and criticisms expressed above: 90003 90018 90019 Designed well, translation activities in the classroom can practise the 4 skills and the 4 systems.In terms of communicative competence, they require accuracy, clarity and flexibility. Duff: it ‘trains the reader to search (flexibility) for the most appropriate words (accuracy) to convey what is meant (clarity)’. 90020 90019 Following on from this, translation is by its nature a highly communicative activity; the challenge is to make sure that the content being communicated is relevant and that we exploit all possibilities for communication during the activity. 90020 90019 Translation in groups can encourage learners to discuss the meaning and use of language at the deepest possible levels as they work through the process of understanding and then looking for equivalents in another language.90020 90019 Translation is a real-life, natural activity and increasingly necessary in a global environment. Many learners living in either their own countries or a new one need to translate language on a daily basis, both informally and formally. This is even more important with the growing importance of online information. 90020 90019 Whether we encourage it or not, translation is a frequently used strategy for learners; if we accept this, we need to support them in developing this skill in the right way, e.g. by discussing its role. 90020 90019 Translation can be a support for the writing process, especially at lower levels. Research has shown that learners seem able to access more information in their own L1, which they can then translate. 90020 90019 Discussion of differences and similarities during the translation process helps learners understand the interaction of the two languages and the problems caused by their L1. It also helps learners appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the L1 and L2, for example in the comparison of idiomatic language such as metaphors.90020 90019 Teachers can focus translation activities on highly specific learning aims, such as practice of certain vocabulary, grammar points, styles and registers, etc. It also lends itself well to work with other tools such as e-mail and class web pages. 90020 90019 Finally, for many learners developing skills in translation is a natural and logical part of reaching higher levels, and being able to do this well is highly motivating. 90020 90027 90002 Classroom approaches 90005 Translation is a difficult activity to set up and can go badly wrong, producing some of the objections described above.There are many aspects to designing and running tasks. 90003 90002 Firstly, it is necessary to plan carefully and fully, and to identify the right kinds of aims. Ensure that your source material really does focus on these, and has not been introduced just because you like it. Try to integrate translation with other skills / systems practice where possible. Make sure you have dictionaries and usage sources available. It is important to recognise the problems associated with traditional approaches to translation (a solitary, difficult and time-consuming activity using literary texts) and find solutions to these, such as ensuring these tasks are short (not easy), always working in groups, and maintaining the element of a communication gap where possible.90003 90002 As the objections above showed, learner perception of this activity is key. It is useful to explain your aims and discuss any concerns that your learners have; many activities use materials that can be generated by learners, which can have positive impact on motivation and dynamics. Avoid activities which require your learners to use their L1 a lot if you do not have a consensus in your class. Think about the possibilities and pitfalls of this kind of work in a multi-lingual group — discussion and comparison of L1 idioms may be very rewarding, for example, but working on a text not.90003 90002 Think about the different benefits of translation and more specifically L1 — L2 or L2 — L1 work in the context of aims and also of the class profile. If you are struggling to get learners to use L2 in the class, this may not be the best time to do translation work, for example; if you are not confident of your role in an activity where learners translate back into their own L1 or of how they will perceive this kind of work, then do not do it. Finally, if you have interested learners, encourage them to explore translation further by themselves — it is a fascinating, complex and worthy process.90003 90002 Some ideas for classroom activities 90003 90018 90019 Learner groups work on translating different sections of a text, and then regroup to connect together their parts into a full text, with suitable connecting language. 90020 90019 Learners bring in examples of L1 language (in their own country) or L2 (in another country) for discussion and translation. Signs can be particularly interesting. This can also be done by sharing material via group e-mails. 90020 90019 Learners bring in short texts / proverbs / poems and present them to the class, explaining why they like them.These are then used for translation. 90020 90027 90002 Comparisons 90003 90018 90019 Learners work in groups on short texts then regroup and compare their versions, before producing a final text. This can then be compared with an ‘official’ published version. 90020 90019 Learners translate and then other learners back translate, then compare versions and discuss why there are differences. 90020 90019 Learners look at ‘bad’ translations and discuss the causes of errors. Translation software programmes and web pages are good sources of these (see below).90020 90019 Ask learners to find different kinds of texts for comparison and translation, for example recipes, e-mails, graffiti, technical texts, post-its, etc. 90020 90027 90002 Project work 90005 Learners translate the script of a scene from a film, then dub over the scene itself with their new version in the L2. 90003 90018 90019 Learners develop a webpage or blog with their own translated work. 90020 90019 Learners participate in live online forums such as Word Reference (see below).90020 90019 Learners research and then present their findings on the translations of a particular group of words, such as those of their own professional field. 90020 90019 Learners evaluate translation software / web pages and then report back to the group. 90020 90027 90002 Conclusion 90005 Translation as part of the communicative ELT classroom approach is still a controversial area and one that provokes strong opinions. If you would like to share your opinions and your approach to the use of translation in the English language classroom, please do sign in and leave a comment below.90003 90002 90003 90002 Further reading 90003 90002 Published material: 90005 Duff, A (1989), Translation, OUP. 90005 Duff, A (1990) Bringing translation back into the language class (Practical English Teaching 10/3) 90005 Deller, S & Rinvolucri, M (2002), Using the Mother Tongue: making the most of the learner’s language, Delta Publishing. 90005 Murphy, B (1988), Teaching translation and teaching through translation (MET 15/4) 90005 Tudor, I (1987), Using translation in ESP (ELT Journal 41/4) 90003 90002 Webpages: 90005 Discussions on the Teaching English site : 90005 http: // www.teachingenglish.org.uk/forum-topic/speaking-students-native-language 90005 http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/think/articles/from-mother-tongue-other-tongue 90005 http: // www. teachingenglish.org.uk/talk/questions/use-translation 90003 90002 Automatic translation: 90005 www.jollo.com (compares various applications) 90003 90002 Forums: 90005 http://forum.wordreference.com/ (discussion forums for various languages ) 90003 90002 90003 90002 90140 by Paul Kaye, Freelance Writer, Teacher, Trainer 90141 90003 90002 90003 .